The Importance of a Septic Tank Outlet Tee
One of the most important parts of a septic system is the outlet tee which is located inside the septic tank. The bottom picture is of an outlet pipe inside a septic tank that has no outlet tee. The outlet tee stops all solids from going directly into the outlet pipe and then leading to your distribution box and eventually your leaching field. If the outlet tee is off for too long of a period, the solids will eventually clog the pipes in your leaching field and thus causing a septic system failure. The top picture is a recently installed outlet tee that was installed on a septic tank in Norton. This issue was discovered by my brother, who does all the septic pumping for Ribeiro Enterprises, because he took the time to take out a mirror and flashlight and examine the entire tank. Just another example of you get what you pay for.
One of the jobs of a septic pumper is to visually examine your ENTIRE tank. Most pumpers usually just stick the hose in the exposed cover, pump out the liquid and then try to sell you some expensive and magical chemicals to make your system function better. A good pumper takes the time to inspect your tank and inform the homeowner of proper septic system care. Ribeiro Enterprises will pump septic tanks in Norton, Mansfield and Attleboro.